Celebrating the power of the moon
Chandra Namaskar, or Moon Salutation, is a sequence of asanas that pays homage to the serene and receptive energy of the moon, helping us to connect with it. This gentle, flowing practice is a journey through the phases of the moon, from new moon to full moon, inviting us to tune in to our own intuitive nature.

The origin of Chandra Namaskar is shrouded in mystery, lost in the mists of time and history. However, we can trace its origins to ancient sacred yoga texts, where the moon is often mentioned as a powerful symbol of feminine energy, intuition and renewal. Over the centuries, yoga practitioners have developed this sequence of poses along with Hatha Yoga as a way to honor and connect with lunar energy.
Unlike Surya Namaskar (the Sun Salutation), which is more dynamic and energizing, Chandra Namaskar is a calmer, flowing and meditative practice designed to calm the body and mind. It is often practiced at night, channeling the energy of the present lunar phase, and is especially beneficial for those looking to relax and prepare for a good night's sleep.
This modern practice can help us rediscover the ancient roots of honoring the moon with ritualistic movements, and discover our personal connection to the mysterious and divine feminine energies that surround us all. Practicing the Moon Salutation takes us on a symbolic journey of inner descent. It can be used as an introspective tool to help us discover the depths of fertile creative energy. It can also be an opportunity to explore the literal or metaphorical birth process. Just as the moon passes through dark phases and returns to its full brightness, the Moon Salutation descends into the depths of lungs and hip-working squats, and returns to expansive standing poses that radiate beauty and magnetic power.

Benefits of the Moon Salutation
1 - Opening and flexibility of the hips: Chandra Namaskar poses include movements that gently open the hips, helping to relieve accumulated tension in this area and improving flexibility.
2 - Strengthening the Pelvis: The practice of Chandra Namaskar involves movements that activate and strengthen the muscles in the pelvic region, contributing to a stable base and a strengthened center.
3 - Spinal Flexibility: The flexion and extension postures of the spine in Chandra Namaskar help to improve the flexibility of the spine, promoting a more upright and aligned posture.
4 - Emotional Balance: The gentle, meditative practice of Chandra Namaskar helps balance emotions, releasing emotional tensions stored in the body and promoting a feeling of calm and mental clarity.
5 - Activation of the Second Chakra: Hip opening postures work directly on the second chakra, or sacral chakra, which is associated with creativity, sensuality and emotional flow.
6 - Circulation of Sexual Energy: The practice of Chandra Namaskar can help increase the circulation of sexual energy through the body, promoting a feeling of vitality and well-being.
7 - Yin and Yang Balance: Chandra Namaskar works to balance the feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) energies in the body, promoting harmony and integration between these opposing aspects.
8 - Releasing Energetic Blockages: The conscious practice of Chandra Namaskar can help release energetic blockages along the body's meridians, promoting a smooth and balanced flow of vital energy (prana).
Chandra Namaskar
asana sequence:
There may be variations of this sequence