Exploring yoga through knowledge

Chandra Namaskar is a fluid sequence of asanas that stimulate and calm the nervous system. It is a salute to the magic of the moon phases, a journey of introspection and connection with our own serene and intuitive essence.

Sadhana, also known as Abhyasa, represents a spiritual practice dedicated to establishing a deep connection with the infinite, aiming to achieve the best of oneself. This journey is an action undertaken with the purpose of nourishing the soul, allowing access to true inner identity.

Kriya in Kundalini Yoga  refers to a series of specific practices that include  asanas, movements, pranayama, mudras, mantras and techniques that are integrated into a fixed sequence with the aim of manifesting a particular state.

Kundalini Yoga involves a whole range of Yoga techniques that mobilize pranic energy, and create conditions for the flow of Kundalini energy, aiming to change and expand consciousness to experience self-realization.

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is one of the most popular yoga practices with a sequence of twelve postures. It's a wonderful way to honor the sun and start the day with energy and disposition.