Definition and benefits of the practice

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is an ancient yoga practice that has been performed for thousands of years. The practice consists of a sequence of twelve postures (depending on the variation) that are performed in sync with breathing.

The practice of this sequence has its origins in ancient India and can be traced back to the Vedas (the oldest sacred scriptures in Sanskrit), being a way of honoring and connecting with the sun, a symbol of life and energy.

In the ancient Vedic tradition, the sun was worshiped as a powerful and important deity, the God Surya, a symbol of purification and enlightenment. Practicing Surya Namaskar was a way of showing reverence and respect to this deity.

Over the years, Surya Namaskar has evolved and been incorporated into various yoga traditions, having different variations. Today, it is one of the most popular forms of yoga and is often used as a warm-up at the beginning of classes. Surya Namaskar's sequence of twelve postures is thought to represent the twelve phases of the sun's journey across the daytime sky. Each posture is performed in synchronization with breathing, which helps calm the mind and focus attention on the present moment.

Surya Namaskar is a complete practice that combines elements of strength, flexibility, balance and breathing. It is an accessible practice for people of all ages and fitness levels, and can also be adapted to meet individual needs.

In addition to being a physical practice, Surya Namaskar has mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. The practice helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, helps awaken our solar energy, balances the chakras, brings connection and inner peace.

Regular practice of Surya Namaskar can also help improve cardiovascular health, increase blood circulation and reduce blood pressure, improve digestion and elimination, strengthen the immune system, and increase energy and stamina. The recommendation to obtain the best benefits is to practice during sunrise and/or sunset.

If you haven't tried this sequence yet, it's worth adding to your daily exercise routine and enjoying all the benefits it can offer. Remember that it is important to practice safely and always respect your physical limits. Consult a qualified yoga instructor if you are new to Surya Namaskar or yoga in general.

There are several variations of the
Surya Namaskar sequence,
here is one of them:

Download the Surya Namaskar
sequence below and insert this
practice into your life!

Download the Surya Namaskar file in English
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