Antar Yoga Space

This is a portal dedicated to expanding knowledge and holistic well-being. The main objective is to share enriching content that encompasses the philosophy of Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Mantras and Naad Yoga. These tools of self-knowledge have been essential to my development over the last 7 years, which is why I'm here to share these teachings, which have been carefully developed to support you on your journey of well-being and self-discovery.

The name Antar is part of my spiritual name Antar Rav Kaur, also known as Shabad or inner sound current, received in a Kundalini Yoga ceremony given by Naad Yoga Master Parvinder Singh Khalsa.

Antar means inner, that which comes from within.
Rav means sun, shine, radiance.

In this way, Antar Rav symbolizes the inner shine, the inner sun, the radiance that comes from within, which is beyond the ego and the mind.

"Let Your Inner Sun Shine."

That's the purpose of Antar Yoga Space.